This page provides all of the key documents concerning the Quality in Careers Standard:
- the endorsement of the Standard by the four major associations of leaders of Schools & Colleges
- the single-page Introduction for Schools & Colleges
- the full and detailed Guide to the Standard (plus a brief Note about the relationship between the Careers Impact System and the Quality in Careers Standard)
- and the Assessment Guide which shows what our Awarding Bodies’ external assessors require when undertaking assessments and our Consortium Board’s Guidelines on Virtual Assessments
Our three additional Guidance Notes providing advice for Awarding Bodies, Schools and Colleges:
- Guidance Note on Gatsby Benchmark 6
- Guidance Note on Parental Engagement
- Guidance Note on Personal Careers Guidance
Our simple introductory leaflet about the Standard – available to copy and use as an introduction for SLTs (for example) in schools and the leaders of FE & Sixth Form Colleges:
- Links to our Licensed Awarding Bodies, their contact details and the areas where they operate (please also see Notes 1-2 below)
- The Brand Guidelines and logos for the Quality Standard which all Awarding Bodies and Award Holders need to follow and use.
Licensed Awarding Bodies – Notes:
Note 1: When reviewing our Awarding Bodies please note that the historically individually named careers Quality Awards (e.g. “Investor in Careers”, or “Career Mark”) ceased to be awarded in 2017. They have all been replaced by the single national careers Quality Award – the Quality in Careers Standard.
Note 2: With effect from the end of March 2017, the previous providers of those individually named awards became Licensed Awarding Bodies for the national Quality in Careers Standard.